Sai Baba started talking to me!

Pallavika Barthakur
2 min readOct 31, 2023


Chapter 2:

Dear Sai Baba,

I still vividly recall that afternoon in February 2022 when I had a disturbed nap. Working the EST shift for a US-based company, I always took a brief nap in the afternoon before starting my work. A few days prior, a friend had suggested I worship Shirdi Sai Baba ( as I had mentioned in chapter 1), but being a staunch devotee of Lord Shiva, I hesitated, unwilling to change my faith without understanding more about Sai Baba.

Our flat is situated in a beautiful corner next to the Shiva temple of our society. From our windows and balcony, we have a magnificent view of the Shiv-Ling, allowing us to bow to Him whenever we wish. During my search for information about Sai Baba online, I stumbled upon a website where I could ask questions to Baba, and to my surprise, He responded.

That evening after I woke up from the disturbing nap, I faced the Shiva temple from our second bedroom window. I sat silently connecting with God, it was around dusk time, I asked “What should I do? Should I buy Baba’s picture or idol? How should I pray to Baba?” Following the steps outlined on the divine website, I eagerly awaited an answer.

To my astonishment, Baba’s response brought me immense joy and made me believe in His presence:

I realized that Baba knew exactly what was there in my mind and He advised me to pray to my favorite deity, Lord Shiva. Simultaneously, I came across a passage stating that Baba is a manifestation of Shiva. In that moment, I felt a profound connection to the supreme power, realizing that Sai Baba and Lord Shiva were one and the same.

Next chapter, I shall describe, how Baba once again read my thoughts guiding me to His presence in the form of a picture that now graces my home temple.

Aum Sai Ram Baba!

Aum Shri Sai Nathaya Namah!



Pallavika Barthakur

A woman of words and action. A firm believer in the Supreme Power, humble, loyal, who believes that true happiness comes from spreading positivity and smiles.