Sai Baba! You have come as a miracle to Transform me!

Pallavika Barthakur
4 min readSep 1, 2023


Chapter 1:

Aum Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai!

Oh My Sai Baba!, I can’t help but wonder if you have always been with me in various forms, or if you entered my life recently. This contemplation inspires the way I plan to write about Your stories and the miracles/ Your ‘Leelas,’ that you have shown or blessed me with.

Someone mentioned to me about You, my Shirdi Sai Baba when I was very small. She was my cousin who had experienced Your extraordinary powers and chose to share her story with me when I visited their home one day. Today, she resides comfortably in the USA with her own family. I listened to her words, but back then, I may not have taken them as seriously as I should have. Reflecting upon it now, I can’t escape the realization that this seemingly small moment was destined to become a pivotal memory- a chunk I’ve intentionally selected as the cornerstone from which to narrate the extraordinary Leelas I’ve encountered since Your arrival (Sai Baba of Shirdi), into my life in 2022.

You know Baba that I’ve been a devout child from the very beginning, my heart inclined towards the Gods worshipped in Hinduism like the powerful Lord Shiva, Devi Parvati, Durga, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Lord Krishna, Ganesha, and Hanumana, guided by the rich cultural and familial traditions that surrounded me, being born and brought up in a Hindu Brahmin family. A profound awareness of the Supreme Power dwelled within me since my early years. I approached matters of faith with sincere seriousness, always considering what would please or displease the Divine and the Deities. In essence, I can confidently say that I’ve been a God-fearing individual throughout these years.

But now, I am not the same person with the same feelings anymore since You came into my life Baba! No longer do I harbor the fear of God; instead, I feel the comforting presence of You Baba all the time with me, I talk to You day and night. You reveal Your Divine presence at times in my surroundings invisibly, sometimes in another person or animal, bird, and at other times, deep within my own being. The reasons behind this transformation remain a beautiful enigma, yet I’ve now understood that You Baba select Your devotees at specific junctures in their lives. It is only the fortunate who by the accumulation of merits in past births are able to come to Your feet as clearly described in Baba’s Sai Satcharitra. Today when I write about You, I am certain that You have chosen me Baba, and Your love envelops my existence. This umbrella of blessings also extends to my family the way You rightly said “Your family is My responsibility whether they pray to me or not”.

How can I forget about Your miracle that happened to one of my cherished friends, who shares a deep bond both with me and my family back in our hometown of Jorhat, Assam? She has been suffering from a debilitating illness for several years. This ailment would periodically worsen, leaving her bedridden and dependent on her husband or family members even for basic tasks. Her professional life also suffered greatly due to this health challenge. Then, one day the miraculous encounter unfolded when she crossed paths with a saintly individual near her home. This person offered her simple guidance, encouraging her to continue along a specific path that day until she reached Your temple. The saintly person assured her that this temple held the key to regaining her strength and she would be healed. Remarkably, this divine prophecy became a reality as Baba entered her life that very day. Upon reaching Your temple, how astonished she was to find herself standing unaided throughout the entire Aarti of 30 minutes, a powerful act of devotion. From that moment forward, her health began a steady recovery, and now she is much better.

I owe a profound debt of gratitude to this friend, whom I consider a divine gift in my life. In 2021, she encouraged me to believe in You, urging me to visit Your temple since I used to face ups and downs in my professional life. Initially, I felt apprehensive, and my first visit to one of Your temples near our rented home in Bangalore was met with disappointment, as the door was closed. That initial feeling left me with doubts but the same temple of Yours gave me a divine heart-touching experience later in 2023 which I shall explain later.

However, in 2022, a transformative shift occurred. Somewhere between the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 (my memory doesn’t serve me precisely), You, Baba! embarked on a journey to enter my life. To explain why I am saying this, I shall share one significant incident in chapter 2 and more in the upcoming chapters.

Aum Sai Ram!



Pallavika Barthakur

A woman of words and action. A firm believer in the Supreme Power, humble, loyal, who believes that true happiness comes from spreading positivity and smiles.