Selecting Goals Guided by Divine Inspiration!

Pallavika Barthakur
3 min readAug 22, 2023


In the course of our daily journey, the practice of setting goals is a common thread that steers our actions toward desired outcomes. Typically, our attention is focused on defining objectives and mapping out the steps necessary for achievement. However, amidst this pursuit, have you ever paused to evaluate the inherent nature of these goals — whether they possess characteristics that are constructive or destructive? If this concept has yet to find its place within your contemplations, the time has come for its contemplation. Each step we take and every choice we make contributes to the narrative of our lives. Much like our actions, these decisions have the power to mold our future experiences.

I have faith in guidance from a higher source. Each day, I take a moment to connect with this transcendent power. Today, a lesson from the Gita (The Bhagavad Gita, a sacred text in Hinduism, is a part of the epic Mahabharata, imparting spiritual and philosophical insights on life, duty, and reality) caught my attention. It centers on the art of setting commendable goals, irrespective of circumstances.

Consider spiders for a moment. They meticulously craft intricate webs to ensnare insects for sustenance. Even in the spider’s absence, the web endures, awaiting its next prey. When we encounter such cobwebs during our household or garden maintenance, our immediate instinct is to dismantle and erase them — whether or not the spider resides within. Ponder this: the spider weaves with an inherently destructive goal, aimed at capturing and consuming.

Now, let’s shift our focus to birds. They fashion snug nests to nurture their offspring and provide security. Even when the bird is absent, we refrain from disturbing its nest because it signifies a home. The notion of harming the eggs or fledglings evokes a sense of empathy within us. Constructing a nest revolves around safeguarding life, a purpose profoundly constructive in essence.

So, what’s the takeaway? Positive goals yield benefits not only for ourselves but also for others, whereas negative goals can inflict harm on anyone, including ourselves, as evident in the case of the spider and its web. Conversely, a bird’s nest nurtures young birds until they’re prepared to take flight and establish their abodes. Deliberately selecting our life goals is paramount. By making conscious choices that factor in the well-being of all, we amass positive actions that may yield even greater rewards in the future. Conversely, should we embrace harmful goals, these negative actions accumulate as our karma, potentially returning to haunt us and those we hold dear.

Let us tread the path illuminated by divine wisdom, weaving intention and purpose into every scenario. May kindness serve as our guiding star in each fleeting moment. Through our aspirations, we have the potential to progressively shape a better world, one step at a time.



Pallavika Barthakur

A woman of words and action. A firm believer in the Supreme Power, humble, loyal, who believes that true happiness comes from spreading positivity and smiles.