Five Easy Ways to be Happy 😊

Pallavika Barthakur
5 min readJun 4, 2021


A child’s innocent smile is a reason to make others #smile!

Conquering one and half a year filled with stress, anxiety, and fear, we have finally learned to overcome the crisis brought about by the pandemic and uncertain lockdowns and found innovative ways to overcome new hurdles. And now we are finally moving ahead towards rays of hope and shine again with the vaccines and proven cures. The last year has taught us, each and everyone, in some way or the other. I feel elated, I agree, and enlightened too, as I have found some innate #truths of life. And here I am finally today, with an urge to share with you a few.

Whenever I look at my child who is now five, I at once again realize the inherent truth “small children just do not need a reason to be #happy!”. How nice it would have been if we can be happy in a similar way whenever we want to, right? However, adult brains are wired in such a way that the state of feeling energized can come only at certain spikes of time, that’s only when there is a reason to be happy about it. This has made me contemplate! Is it possible to write down some #tips to be happy each day? After all, anything begins with starting and not procrastinating. What can be a better way to feel contended at this moment when I am counting reasons to be happy!

In the first place, whoever is reading this now; please know that you are blessed. All because you are alive to read and this definitely is a reason to smile and to thank the Invisible Power for the beautiful Gift of Life. Many times, we keep on asking Him to fulfill our wishes, to find solutions for our problems, but we often forget to thank Him for each beautiful day. This act of being grateful is the first source of jubilation, and hence someone rightly said, “Thank You” is called a Golden Word.

Second tip: I ask you to just close your eyes for a moment and consider the person who comes first. Whoever it is, just ask yourself, is the person currently present in your life? If yes, just do not lose one more moment and find a reason to thank that person. Found it? Then just go and do it; say “Thank you” and the reason why you are thankful. I bet the person will smile and reciprocate beautifully. Now see the magic, you feel different, you experience contentment. Let me give you a true example. From morning till evening, I find immense reasons to be angry at my husband for small acts, sometimes I vent out and sometimes I respond in some other way. But the other day when he was back from office, I said! The golden word “Thank You” and the reason as “Because you can keep me happy, let me be who I am”. Immediately he was delighted and he reciprocated by offering to make the cup of evening tea. And me? I was flowing with the beauty of the moment. After all, what’s the harm in thanking your nearest ones, it can only bring you more gains and never any losses.

Now, when you had closed your eyes if the first person whom you saw is no more in your life! I request, please do not become sad again, instead just shift your thinking on to the next person who is actually there in your life, maybe your parents, your children, your spouse, your best friend, or even your good neighbor. Again apply the technique to speak to him or her right now, let it be a call if necessary, directly or indirectly just say “thank you”, the reason and again experience the cosmic charge in your inner self.

Third tip: You may have been long planning to do something for yourself, like ordering your favorite food, buying a dress, starting some exercise regime, reading a book, cooking something nice or playing some favorite game with your child, or even making a call to someone. Or maybe you have a list of such things to do. And you yourself do not know exactly why you have been postponing. If you are reading this article now, I bet you have the time but the urge within you is not so great that made you work on your pending list. So again be happy now that this made you remember that you need to start on something. Believe me; you can just elevate this state by quickly acting on it. Have a diary or your laptop or mobile? Then schedule it with a date. Have the money to buy what you want? Immediately order it. Just feel accomplished with this small deed and feel energized.

Fourth Act: Use the next golden word “Sorry”. No one can be so perfect that we do not have a reason to be sorry about something to someone. Is it possible to use it right now and again feel the magic, or is it possible to plan now when and how we can use it? If yes, let’s not wait. So many times our ego stops us from using this golden word. Now self-ego is not something which if you want you can leave it right now as you read. Observe! let us not go and do this at the cost of self-respect; definitely not needed, because self-respect brings self-love. However, if there is a clash with self-ego, then maybe we have a chance here to move ahead and do an act good for ourselves. I believe saying sorry or using ways to apologize is very easy. If we reflect on it, it can actually take us to another topic of discussion, and I do not wish to elaborate that here. So, just trust me, when this “sorry” is called for someone you live with, it becomes even easier. And here you know now, what needs to be done next.

Fifth one: Learn to appreciate. You can go a long way in winning #hearts and making more friends just by the art of appreciation. The happiness one can get by acknowledging, praising, and making someone’s day is pure bliss. So I never step back from truly appreciating someone and you can do that too.

My dear friends, please take in; just thinking about or writing through these five small but strong foundations of happiness, has brought in me a great sense of accomplishment. Maybe it came in drops, so what? If “small drops of water can make an ocean”, why not allow small acts in daily life to help to make it more complete and divine?.

#covid #crisis #solutionsinadversity #truthsoflife #tips #strategies #life #love #selflovetips #waystohappiness



Pallavika Barthakur

A woman of words and action. A firm believer in the Supreme Power, humble, loyal, who believes that true happiness comes from spreading positivity and smiles.